“My son has done amazing things and I know ABA therapy was the turning point for him and for us as a f”We had yesterday another meeting with your consultant to see and discuss the progress of Lucas over the last 1,5 months. It was good to ask her to come again after a short period of time, because she gave us good advices to improve our training with Lucas. In general we are all happy with the progress of our small hero, even if the last weeks where really exhausting especially for my wife. I don’t want to write too much today – but one thing I have to tell you because it is the best thing happened in this terrible year.
Yesterday, we added more signs to the program and also the sign “open / auf”. We didn’t use it before at all. AND …. (it is really true!) Lucas not only makes the sign he also says the word “auf” in a really clear way.
So it is the first real word he ever “learned” and says and we are so happy you can’t imagine. If someone would have told me a year ago I would be once so happy if my son would say the word “auf” – I wouldn’t have believed it – now it is the greatest Christmas present I ever got. I have tears in my eyes so happy I am just if I ‘m writing about it. It is so nice to hear him say this word.”
Lars (father)
Lars (father)